It’s T-Minus 14 hours until “The Streak” official ends. The next time we meet, I will be less one gall bladder and, from what I hear, pretty sore in the abdomen for a few days. There’s no rest for the weary as I have pending meetings in Indianapolis Wednesday and Thursday. I’m hoping this is more of a “drive-thru” variety surgery. Just for kicks I might try to twitter a few updates in the morning (“They are rolling me down the hall” or “I’m going under now”…)

In my absence, feel free to check out the sidebar for some recent updates. I’ve linked to some photo albums including all of my mobile phone pictures from work related trips. There are also a few days left to sign up for the “Refuse to Lose Invitational“. Lastly you can help me win my quest for the “S.L.O.B. of the Month“. I leave you with one of my all-time favorite YouTube videos. Since I won’t be hugging anyone for a few days at least, I’ll live through this video. Talk to you all soon!
