In order to understand this post, you probably will want to read the one before it entitled “I Missed My Moment“. I did take the opportunity to go and visit the man I mentioned in my previous post today. His name is Mike and I’d like to introduce you to him.

Mike is a Vietnam Vet who is suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. He was diagnosed in 1995 with the disease but believes it started at least 10 years prior to that. He is married to his 5th wife who recently had her Gall Bladder removed as well. She has been diagnosed with the disease Lupus. Mike’s 4th wife died in 2003 of a heart attack. He was the one that had to give the approval to remove her from life support. He was being discharged today to go to rehabilitation to gain strength.

While Mike’s story might seem tough, I am blessed to have spent some time with him today. It turns out that Mike’s brothers are Pastors. Mike told me the story of the day he was diagnosed with M.S. He said the doctor informed him of the news and he “prayed to God as soon as he found out”. He told me that the Doctor said he had never, in all his years of medicine, seen anyone react that way when told of this news. Mike prayed and explained that God allows things into our lives for a purpose.

Before I left, I asked Mike if I could pray with him. He said we could and we did. I don’t know that I will ever see Mike again this side of Heaven. I’d like to ask you to join me in praying for Mike and his wife Lori. They could sure use our prayers in their battles. I’m glad that God allowed me the opportunity to make amends for missing my moment yesterday. I hope you all get to meet Mike one day as well.