I can’t believe I almost forgot about the weekly randomness that is Four For Friday! That may tell you the level of stress I was under the past 48 hours. It’s been an absolutely CRAZY week. Missed Reunions, connecting with old friends, surgery, healing, meetings, presentations, meetings, and one other thing…meetings. With all of that in mind, I present this weeks Four For Friday. Have a great weekend.

1. “My Hometown” by Bruce Springsteen – If you ever want to see me go instantly to a memory, put this song on. No matter where I am, no matter what I am doing, I will flash back to my hometown of Bedford, Ohio. While I missed the big High School Reunion last weekend, know that you were all in my thoughts. No matter where life takes me, you will always be my hometown.

2. “Cool” by Gwen Stefani – How could I recap this week and not post this? I referenced a lyric in my facebook post. I know we’re cool.

3. “What Life Would Be Like” by Big Daddy Weave – Interesting after the events unfolded this week with “my moment” with Mike and how they coincided with the downloading of the new Big Daddy Weave CD. This song is incredible. Gets me everytime. “I wonder what life would be like if….”

4. “Life Happened” by Tammy Cochran – There is no greater song when reflecting on a High School Reunion. As I have had the opportunity this week to catch up with friends from 20 years ago, I have been astounded to hear the stories. I am reminded how “Life Happened”. Yet after a week of stories, memories and photos, I am reminded what Tammy Cochran sings at the end of the song..

Life Happened
Clothes went out of fashion with our songs
We started families,  bought SUV’s
Became step dads and soccer moms.
I finally realized we turned out alright.

We spent the night just catchin up and dancin’
And life happened.