I’m headed to Houston and Chicago this week and Norfolk, Virginia next week. While I’m busy getting my “travel on”, I thought I would share other links to check out. I titled this “Don’t Fence Me In” because I often wonder if we don’t become silo’d in our view of the church. I have the absolute honor and blessing of calling several Pastors, Worship Leaders, Youth Pastors and Church Planters both friends and mentors. I find it so refreshing to sit and hear their heart for ministry. I am reminded that we (the church) should never let our border wars take us away from the much larger picture of reaching the world for Christ. Isn’t that what Paul had on his mind when he wrote to many of the Churches of his time? Check out these blogs and sites and see if you don’t see what I mean too.

NWBible.org – Our Church in Hilliard. Check out “Connecting Point” for updates on the current series and thoughts leading up to the next Sundays Sermon.

CECWorship – Joel and I have yet to meet in person but have teamed to pray over more than one request.

FredMcKinnon.com – Ditto for Fred and I. If you want a pulse on what is going on in the Worship Community, take a few minutes to check out Fred’s blog.

Joy in the Journey – Denny is the Head Pastor at Journey Church in Columbus, Ohio. I don’t know if anyone has had a larger influence on my journey the past 4 years. I love this mans heart!

Thinking Outside the Bunn – John is the Director of Service Programming for NewPointe Community Church. I can’t think of a more perfect role for a man that is blessed with creativity and talent.

Brad Kochis – Speaking of hearts, I could spend hours dreaming, talking and “visioning” with the Lead Pastor at Lifepoint Community Church in Dublin, Ohio.

Walls Down Church – I don’t think they have a site up yet, but check out the personal blogs of Rindy Walton and Paul Peterson for the latest news as this Church begins its vision of reaching Cincinnati.

These are just a few of the many people that in some way or another continue to challenge and shape me and my faith each day. I pray that in each of their areas of ministry that God can use them to advance His Kingdom. I also pray that I never allow fences to keep me from seeking, meeting and learning from those that God has called into a life of ministry. God bless you all!