This weeks “Four For Friday” has many ulterior motives. The first is just another shameless plug reminder to help me win the “S.L.O.B of the Month” by clicking through to the blog of MercyMe in the link in the sidebar. Secondly I thought I would give my Buddy Bart a shout out for his new CD “Hymned Again” which hits the streets August 19th. Lastly, for those in Ohio, MercyMe will be at Great American Ballpark on Sunday. With that out of the way, I give you this weeks “Four For Friday”. I was going to give you my four favorite MercyMe songs, but to be honest, I can’t pick. So here are four that I enjoy and I know you will too. Have a great weekend.

1. “Hold Fast” by MercyMe

2. “Homesick” by MercyMe

3. “Safe and Sound” by MercyMe

This last selection is dedicated to the woman beside me on a flight this week that was flying to attend the funeral of a friend. I noted her copy of “90 Minutes in Heaven” which struck up our conversation. One day we will all be “Finally Home“.
