I’m sitting at the airport in Detroit on my way to Norfolk and was reminded on my flight that it was probably time for a Charlotte Update. To be honest there is not a whole lot to update at this point. While we continue to wait on an offer on the house, we also continue to try to figure out what the time between “now and then” will look like. We’ve had visits but almost each one was someone that gave great feedback but needed to sell their house first. The kids start school this week, so it is another reminder that it is not always how we draw it up. Our home in Charlotte (Matthews specifically) must not be ready yet.

What reminded me to do this update was the re-reading of “Velvet Elvis“. The question that always follows “We’re moving to Charlotte” is “Why”? Sometimes I wonder if I even know. But the quote below reminded me. I don’t know what it will look like. I don’t know why we feel the pull. I just know that it is what we are supposed to do and I am being obedient. God has something for us. God has a bigger story in mind and we are just a part of it. Thanks for praying. We’ll keep you posted.

“A church is a community of people who are learning how to be certain kinds of people wherever they find themselves, so they can do whatever it is they do “in the name of the Lord Jesus”. The goal isn’t to bring everyone’s work into the church; the goal is for the church to be these kind of unique kinds of people that are transforming the places they live and work and play because they understand the whole earth is filled with the kavod (Glory) of God. God isn’t one building only. Doing these things for God happens all the time, everywhere.” – Rob Bell