The older I get in this life, the more I am convinced that things never happen the way we draw it up in our mind. Particularly when You are chasing daylight and seeking the call of God in your life. By now most everyone is probably familiar with our 7 month journey that (thankfully) ended last Friday. The “cliff notes” version goes like this:

1. Sensed a call to Charlotte
2. Put house on the market
3. Took house off the market due to unclear discernment
4. 6 weeks later put house back on market with certainty of call
5. 2 weeks ago, sold house with a 2 week closing period
6. Last weekend went to Charlotte to buy a house but had a check in our spirit
7. Tried to cancel, but could not get out of contract to sell our home in Ohio
8. Secured financing and a new home in Columbus due to sale of our home.
9. Had inspections done on existing home for Radon as part of closing
10. Radon inspection failed, Warranty issue with siding. Contract canceled.
11. Staying in existing home, getting radon fixed. Thrilled to not have to move.

So there you have it. You are not officially up to speed on a journey that taught us much about ourselves, our friends and most importantly, our God. As a throw in bonus, we found out that we have a radon problem in our home which needs fixed. I take you on this journey because I want to encourage you all to spend the $150 and get the test done too. I spoke with a Housing Inspector last week that said that “85% of the homes he inspects have a high radon test result“.

For more information about the harmful effects of Radon, you can visit this site. The bottom line is that it could lead to lung cancer. The sites can be a bit alarming, but a reminder that the $150 test is well worth it. Even the steps necessary to correct Radon are worth the price ($800-$1000) when considering the alternative. I count it a blessing that we took this journey and found out about this situation in our home. Had we never taken the steps, we never would have known. It’s never how we draw it up.