As promised, I would like to announce the winner in my Chris Tomlin “Hello Love” CD giveaway. After all of the comments, there was one that received votes from others and made me laugh out loud when I read it. Probably because I too have been there, done that. Without further ado..I give you the winner of the Hello Love CD Giveaway….

Joni Ruhs!

Joni – If you will email your information to me at I will get it over to my friends at wiredforsound and EMI to get your prize out to you. To everyone else that took part, keep your eyes open for more contests in the future. So far we have given away two Tobymac CD’s and the new Chris Tomlin! I’d like to again thank my friends at Wiredforsound for making this possible. I wish I had one to give all of you.

To wrap this up, I thought I would post my favorite song from the CD. You can check out Chris’s explaination behind the song here, but this is an incredible worship song that is sure to fill churches and hearts wherever it is heard. Here’s “I Will Rise“.
