I’ve been meaning to get to this for awhile. For anyone that might visit the house sometime, you will probably hear some words that either make no sense or don’t seem to be english. We have adapted certain words based on what our children have said for various items and events around the house. If you’ve got some, I’d love to hear them. Below are just a few of ours….

1. Kamote (kah-moat) = The Remote Control

2. Colorants (color-ands) = Crayons

3. Teeth and Hair = Morning routine reminder for prior to school

4. Poohshnikities (Pooh-Shnick-ities) = My son’s Winne the pooh sandals

5. Joey’s = My son’s sandals that were like his friend Joey’s

6. “She’s a Quart Low” = What we call my Grand Prix. Based on it’s constant oil leak.

7. Jesus Time = Heather’s devotional time with the kids before school

8. Soft Blue Blankie = Brynn’s security blanket

9. Chickperle (Chick-Per-Lay) = Chick-Fil-A