Last week I received a note in the mail from the Mid-Ohio Foodbank. In the note there were some unbelievable numbers with regards to what a donation of simply $1 could do. Check this out…

  • Each $1 you send can provide 4 meals for a hungry child or adult.
  • A gift of $16 can provide 64 meals
  • A gift of $27 can provide 108 meals
  • A gift of $33 can provide 132 meals
  • A gift of $55 can provide 220 meals

When I considered that one evening out with the family at a typical restaurant could easily near the final two numbers, I was challenged by what that could do. A family of 5 for one meal….or 220 meals for the less fortunate and hungry? Seems pretty easy when you think about it. To make your contribution, you can visit their site HERE.

I leave you with a quote from a “piece of flair” button a friend sent me last week through facebook:

“Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God”

Surely We Can Change Something” by David Crowder Band