A long travel day helped me get through rougly 87 pages of “Cast of Characters” by Max Lucado yesterday. I have to save my complete review for when it is all done. I will tell you that this book could not have come at a better time. If it is any indication of how good it is, I am folding corners like crazy with great quotes and insight. One I had to share today was from John 12: 1-9. I am sure that many have heard the comparisons to Martha being a “worker” and Mary being a “Worshiper”. Max also includes Lazarus and Judas in this chapter. You can read the quote below, but the question I had to ask myself this morning is…”which are you?”

If you are a Martha, be strengthened. God sees you service

If you are a Mary, be encouraged. God recieves your worship

If you are a Lazarus, be strong. God honors your conviction (testimony)

But if you are a Judas, be warned. God sees your selfishness.

-Max Lucado from the book “Cast of Characters