Blessed are the Merciful, for they will be shown mercy – Matthew 5:7

A little different approach for Day Five. My study pointed out several very interesting points regarding mercy. There is the websters version which we are probably more suited to approach and think of as Mercy. However Jesus is calling us to something different.

1. The first four beatitudes were inwardly focused. The second four beatitudes are externally focused. Ideally the first four should lead to our behavior on the second four.

2. We understand mercy as a result of a warm and close relationship with God.

3. Mercy can best be understood and defined when we experience things together with the other person.

The final point is what leads me to today’s example of being merciful. I recently received a copy of Bebo Norman’s self titled CD (which is a great CD by the way) from the kind people at to review. The first time I heard the song “Britney” I had an instant respect for Bebo Norman. Here was a man that is in the machine that is the recording industry. While he may not sell the millions upon millions that Britney Spears does, he understands fame. For this man to reach out to Britney Spears as the rest of the world watched her fall apart was honorable. For this man to share the message of hope and Jesus Christ was merciful. He identified with point number three above.

While we can all cast judgment on Britney for her choices, lifestyle and fall, at the feet of the cross, we are all Britney Spears. She is our neighbor, our daughter, our sister, our brother, our friend. She is every one of us. To look past her life and see the person within is to understand what it means to be merciful. Below is Bebo Normans song. Take a few minutes today and think about who you may know that is “Britney Spears”. Think about who you can show the kind of mercy that Bebo showed in this song.


Coming Wednesday: Pure in Heart