
Somehow I let my marathon running wife talk me into this 4 mile run on November 27th. I can’t think of a better description of a “Turkey” trot. The good news is that I’ve been in training for about a month already. The bad news is that there is a long, long way to go. I’m not a runner. However, there is something to this entire process. Kenny Chesney once sang:

The bodies a temple
that’s what we’re told
Well I’ve treated this one
like an old honky tonk

I have committed myself to cleaning up this “old honky tonk”. I’m doing it for my wife. I’m doing it for my kids. I can promise that this will probably be my one and only run outside. I’m a treadmill guy. This outside stuff is for the birds (literally). I have a sneaking feeling there is much, much, much more to come on this topic.