
I am sitting in Atlanta right now just one flight away from completing my final trip for this year. I left for Jacksonville, FL this morning at 4:45am. When I arrived at the airport in Columbus, there was a front row spot in the garage just waiting to be claimed.
Once I got to Jacksonville, we had a strong presentation and made our way over to the Jaguars-Titans game. Who knows, if the Titans go undefeated this season, I can say I got to see one of those games. By far the coolest part of the game came at the beginning when the Stealth Bomber did a fly-over during the National Anthem.

As an added bonus Delta upgraded my flights back to Columbus to first class! I’m thinking of that right now as I sit through a delay in Atlanta. It’s been a great year. I count all of these opportunities a blessing. I also don’t know what 2009 will hold.

Until then, I’m off to board the last flight of 2008. Honey, I’ll be home soon.