espn_g_bohurt_300In just 4 short days I will wrap up a goal I was forced into recently set. “D-Rich, Amanda, my wife and I will take part in a 4 mile run on Thanksgiving morning. Compared to the 2 marathons my wife and Amanda have run, I feel almost silly mentioning it. When taken in perspective though and considering what my fitness level was just 6 weeks ago, it’s a marathon to me! I have certainly gained a new appreciation for anyone that will go out there and pound out 26 miles in one day.

In terms of updates, I guess I am as ready as I will ever be. According to the Nike+ log from my iPod, I have logged 106 miles on 25 runs. I missed about 2 weeks of tracking since I didn’t get the Nike+ until I got serious about this thing. I have been able to pick up the pace by about 2 minutes as well. That’s the good news. The bad news is that as I sit here this morning, I’ve got a “bad wheel”. Last week my left hip started barking at me and I can’t seem to find a stretch to make it stop barking. It feels a bit like Bo Jackson’s famous injury at the moment.

I’ve got 4 days to get it worked out so I should be road ready in time. I’m too competitive to quit at this point. I’m looking forward to getting out there and seeing what happens. I’d like to thank my wife and “D-Rich” for giving me the kick I needed to get started. We’ll talk more about the future when I get through this one. Hopefully it will be in one piece!