
All it took was one race run and I guess I’m hooked.  I’m not sure but I might even be addicted. Don’t you know that the people behind all of these local races know it too. I keep getting more and more email with opportunities to sign up for another one. Someone’s got my number. If you’re keeping score at home, here’s the latest set of planned punishment to my hip and knees…

December 13Lifetime Fitness Reindeer 5K Run

January 1stFirst on the First 5K Run

May 02Capital City Half Marathon

I’ll be flying solo on the December 13th run. Probably the only one crazy enough to run in sub zero temps. I’m most excited about the January 1st 5K. I was able to drag my good friend and Duke fan Jeff into running this one with me. We’ve agreed to wear our respective team colors during the run so I guess Duke vs. Carolina is coming early this year. Should be a good time. The 1/2 Marathon will be a goal over the winter months, but the check’s not in the mail on that one yet.

More to come….