I had fun running the Reindeer Run yesterday over at Easton. The temperature was cold, but once we got going it really didn’t cross my mind. One thing I am going to do for every race from now on is start with the song “I Am Free” by the Newsboys. It is the perfect pace setter but more importantly, the line “I am free to run” is such a great reminder of our freedom in Christ. During my pre-race stretching I listened to the Hillsong CD “This is our God”. It was great to just spend some time in quiet praying for many things and people. In many ways, it was a time of worship. It was “beautiful chaos“.

Heather and the kids braved the cold too. When I turned the corner on the home stretch to see them waiting at the finish line, I can’t explain the feeling. It was all I needed to pick up the pace for the final stretch and finish strong. Next up is the First on the First run January 1st. Here’s the final numbers:

Temperature: 17 Degrees!

Distance: 3.1 Miles

Time: 28:32

Pace: 9’16”

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