
It is officially 2009 and this is my first post of the New Year. What an interesting spot I find myself in tonight. There is so much to look forward to in a new year. There is the known (Cabo in March, Outer Banks in June) and yet there is so much unknown (economy, new President). We started off the new year on a positive (but cold) note this morning with the “First on the First” 5K. The results are posted (HERE) but my wife had a great run. She finished 73rd overall with a 23:49 time and a 7:41 pace. Jeff and I finished 157 and 158 with a time of 27:50 and a pace of 8:59. Truth be told, Jeff probably could have finished a few spots higher. There was a hill at the 2.5 mile point that really took the wind out of my lungs and sails.

He’s got his eye on a couple more runs in January and a 10K in February. The good news for that one is that it’s a nice flat course. The bad news is that it is a one mile loop that you do 6 times….IN FEBRUARY. More to come on that one. It’s back to work for me tomorrow morning after being on vacation since December 19th. It has been a great time off but there is much work to be done in the morning. I hope each and every one of you had a safe, healthy and Happy New Year!