I’ve said it before but I officially left “Raider Nation” this summer in favor of the Carolina Panthers. Much of this decision is due to my hope that they will one day be my hometown team. Much to my surprise, my Panthers (see how quickly they became “my”) are in the playoffs and favored by some to reach the Super Bowl! Couple of quick notes as you watch the game this weekend.

  • I went to Indianapolis yesterday to draw the name of a lucky employee that received a 5 day/4 night trip to Tampa Bay to attend the Super Bowl. I am currently in negotiations to see if he will take me too. I was very happy for the winner and hope he has a great time.
  • Thanks to great friends in Charlotte, I had an offer to attend the game on Saturday. Sadly, I had to decline due to some conflicts here in sunny Ohio. We’ll just have to cheer for the Panthers from home I guess.
  • It will be fun to text some trash talk during the game with my good friend “TPlant” who lives in Phoenix and will be rooting for his Cardinals.
  • Only 32 days until Duke vs. Carolina. I know that has nothing to do with Football but I figured I would throw it in there anyway. GO HEELS!