
We’ve  hit the road !  We’re in downtown Louisville, Kentucky this morning for the Anthem 5K run along the river walk. Temps are currently 60 degrees so it’s a perfect day for a quick run. Last night we had a nice dinner at the Old Spaghetti Warehouse and went on a horse drawn carriage ride through downtown Louisville. Over 9000 people are registered for the race this morning so it should be packed at the start. We’ll post an update on how we finished later next week. Based on the street signs….it appears that there will be no stopping on this race.


What a race! They estimated over 10,000 people lined up to run the 5K this morning. I have never seen so many people at one race before. The final stats have 7,824 people that finished the race. Heather and I made our way to the front of the pack before the race started so we could avoid the crowd. We got out fast and kept the pace (including a 7:20 2nd mile!). We were both paying for that quick pace on the last mile (I much more than Heather). Heather had a little more energy left than I did at the end and finished strong. We had a great time and the weather was perfect. Now for the results:

Heather – time 24:54, finished 1211 out of 7,824.

Aaron – time 24:58, finished 1242 out of 7,824.