
About a month ago when our beloved Tar Heels were on top of the NCAA polls, I placed a call to a great friend that has connections in the Dayton area. The request was not a little one. “I need to get my hands on 2 tickets to the NCAA tourney in Dayton in case North Carolina plays there“. I had to leave a voice mail, and never heard back so I was not sure if the request was ever followed up upon. As Florida State luck would have it, UNC’s loss in the ACC tournament last weekend meant that they would be playing in Greensboro and NOT Dayton this weekend. However not all is lost….

Earlier this week I received 2 opportunities from friends with tickets to the games tomorrow in Dayton. One friend had two tickets for Session 1 in the morning and another friend had tickets for session 2 tomorrow night. Long story short, in the morning “the boy” and I will put on our Ohio State gear and head to University of Dayton for FOUR NCAA basketball games. I’m not sure who is more excited. For me, the excitement comes in being able to provide something my little guy dreams of (thanks to great friends) and spending a whole day soaking in something we both love.

We figure if the predictions hold true, we might be seeing 2 teams that could lose to North Carolina play for the National Championship. Here’s what our day will look like:

Tennessee vs. Oklahoma State

Pitt vs. East Tennessee

Louisville vs. Morehead St.

THE Ohio State University vs. Sienna.

To my 2 great friends that hooked us up, I can’t thank you enough for giving 2 NCAA Hoops junkies “One Shining Moment”!