As I said in my last post, it’s been a while since we all caught up together. When I last left you, I was committed to “cleaning up this honky-tonk” that was my physical, mental and emotional state. The journey began in late October and is far from over. Ever since deciding to stay in Columbus, I have been unpacking emotions and keeping a running dialog with God on what His plan for my life, my family and His will is. I wish I could type the words that I have it all figured out. I don’t, but what I have figured out is that God can take our areas of weakness (mine would be control and patience) and set up camp there until we are willing to release that weakness and draw from his strength. Who knew it would take running to teach me that lesson.

As I’ve said before, thanks to some prompting from a friend, it all began with a mile run around the block. 500 miles, three 5K’s, a 4 miler, a 10K and a pending 1/2 marathon (May 2nd) later I am learning a lot about perseverance. I am learning that so much of our “strength” comes in the moments when we are weakest. It is that place when you think you can’t go on that seems so simple when you’ve crossed the finish line and look back. The worst of moments can seem so small when we are through the pain. Some call it inner strength. I choose to believe it comes from a much greater and higher source.

It was actually during a run today that I had the opportunity to compartmentalize some thoughts that had been lingering. The soundtrack for the run was the new Mandisa CD (review coming soon) which literally spoke to many areas I didn’t even know I was dealing with. I was so thankful for that hour and 9 minutes. One of the things I am most thankful for is my three little people and my wife. They are the reason I began to “clean up the honky-tonk” and continue to be my source of inspiration far beyond running.

There is much more to bring you all up to speed on, but for this short time tonight….it was good to catch up again.