daily_tar_heel_championship_coverI had to do a quick repost. Important note..THIS IS A REPOST! We’re not expecting a child. We were, however, expecting our third child 4 years ago when North Carolina was set to play for the National Championship. Those that have been here since the beginning might remember the chain of events that started the night before. In case you missed it, it was worth revisiting. Below you have my posts from the Sunday before the National Championship and the Day after. Good times…

Quite A Dilemma (April 2, 2005)

Okay, so one of your favorite teams is on the verge of playing for the National Championship and you are expecting the birth of your third child at any moment. It is often said that the Lord has a sense of humor. I believe that is true and this would be one of those times when he is getting quite a chuckle out of my dilemma! Wouldn’t it be fitting if Baby 3 decided to enter the world sometime between 9 and 12 on Monday night?

How many times have you seen the commercial where the husband is watching the game, while cheering his wife on through delivery. Now I must preface this by saying that there is no question that I will be with my wife in delivery if that scenario takes place. That’s what VCR’s and TIVO are for. I could never miss the birth of a child for some sporting event that, as much as I hate to say it, really means nothing.

I just find it so funny that for the first time in 12 years, my Tar Heels are on the verge of a championship. I can tell you exactly where I was when Chris Webber called time out to clinch the last Tar Heel championship. There were no thoughts of delivery, hospitals, diapers or babies that night. As I type this, I am reminded of how our priorities change as we walk this road of life. You see, all of this is actually very “tongue in cheek”.

The truth is no matter where I am, or what I am doing, NOTHING could keep me from my wife’s side as she delivers this child that the Lord has blessed us with. Not even North Carolina winning the NCAA title. So if you are watching the game tomorrow night and the phone rings from the hospital, don’t feel bad for me, I will be right where I wanted to be at that moment!



2nd Best (April 4,  2005)

Call it luck, irony, art imitating life or just God’s sense of humor, but what I wrote in my last blog almost came true exactly as scripted! At 9:00, almost to the minute, we were on our way to the labor and delivery ward at the hospital.

To make a long story short, they sent us back home since it wasn’t quite time yet. The funny thing was that we pulled into the garage with 3 minutes left in the 2nd half. The game was tied 70-70. I looked at Heather and said “see, we didn’t miss anything. It’s just a 3 minute game now!”

The rest as they say is history! What a feeling, to be National Champs! All that being said, it would have been and will still be the 2nd best thing that will happen this week. Although I am thrilled about Carolina winning the title, nothing will compare to seeing our new born baby for the first time. In the mean time, I am going to savor this moment until an even greater one comes along!