
This might be a “data dump” of sorts, but it is what has been on my mind for a little over a week now. I’m not going to lie and say that I don’t ever think about the house we almost bought in Charlotte, North Carolina. I won’t act like there are not days when I wonder what it would have looked like to be there now instead of Ohio. There are moments where I drift off to thinking about what being “here” means, looks like, feels like and if this is “as good as it gets”. Does that make sense? Does anyone else ever wonder that?

Now before you write this post off and cruise to the next web site on your list, hear me out. I meant what I wrote when I talked about dealing with some things on that half-marathon. Over the past 10 days or so, it feels as if some chains have been broken, burdens lifted and a new sense of clarity has come to me. It is this clarity that quickly screams to me each time the “good” question is raised. Almost audibly I am reminded that if this is as good as it gets…then there is nothing wrong with that! I have found a peace and a place of being content with where you are.

Not where you wish you were – wishes can be deceiving.

Not where you dream you will be – dreams give us the chase.

Not where you think God is going to place you – God never draws it up the way we do.

There has been a shift in my looking at this world and my place in it. If this is as good as it gets then I have much to be thankful for. I have been blessed beyond measure. If you have handed me a script of where I would be today ten years ago, I would have accepted it in a heartbeat. I am challenged why I don’t feel that way sometimes now that I am here? It’s not bragging, it’s perspective. For example:

I hate our washing machine. It has the most annoying beep when it is all done. Yet there was a time when I would drive 5 miles to switch loads at the laundry mat. Somewhere tonight there are people with no washer at all. If this is as good as it gets…..

I will forever believe a part of me was left in Charlotte, North Carolina last year. That part of me may never return. Yet here in Columbus, my kids have great schools and teachers. My wife has a great circle of sisterhood. I have friends that I am convinced would take a bullet for me if necessary. If this is as good as it gets…..

I often wonder where God would have us in a ministry. I look for that place where our hearts desire and his plan intersect so that magic moment we read about happens. Yet day after day I have people walk through my life that don’t know Jesus. I spoke to one of our neighbors for the first time since we moved here the other day (we’ve lived here 4 years). Last time I checked, the city I live in was not filled with saved people. It is just like every other city and people need the love of Christ in their lives. If this is as good as it gets….

You get the picture. As quick as I have been to ask “is this as good as it gets” the past 10 days, I have been just as quick to put that question in perspective. Funny when you do that how the answer always comes back –

If this is as good as it gets…it’s great to be here.