Pen_to_PaperYesterday morning I heard a great sermon about the “Foolishness of David” from 2 Samuel 24: 1-17. Any sermon that involves the life, times, decisions, failure and success of King David always hits a chord with me. I really believe that the scripture in Acts 13: 22-23 exists so that we all know to take note of Davids life. For it was in this scripture that David was described as “A man after Gods own heart”. Isn’t that the target for each of us? Wouldn’t we want the same said of our lives when all is said and done?

Knowing how God felt about David gives me pause to really examine and follow close his life, his success, his failure, his heart. Yesterday’s sermon on the foolish decision that David made in 2 Samuel was a great reminder about our sin nature when it comes to presumption, unbelief and pride. Below are some of the notes that I scribbled down:

– The foolish decision David made in 2 Samuel 24 was the counting of people. How often do we ask Pastors of churches “so how many people are attending now?”. Why does it really matter?

– “We’re not perfect, but we should be grieved over what grieves the heart of God”

– “The thing that David took pride in, God took away” (70,000 people died)

– “What are you putting your trust in? Who are you putting your trust in?”

-“Even in judgement, God was merciful”

– “Age alone is no guarantee of freedom from temptation to sin”

– “You’re never too old, too powerful or too important to listen to the advice of others”

– “Sin, no matter how respectable pays a terrible wage”

– “We should never offer God that which costs us nothing”

Your turn: What did you jot down yesterday during the sermon at your church?