Took every ounce I had to get out today for four miles. According to the half-marathon training schedule, this is the toughest week (mileage wise) leading up to the race. The total for this week is 26 miles. A bulk of that comes on Saturday with a long run of 12 miles looming. The good news is that I put in 12 last Saturday because I thought I had to. The bad news is that was the worst run I have ever had. Breathing cramps had me shutting it down at least once a mile the last 3 to 4. Dehydration and hunger were also issues. It was the perfect storm really. 

All that to say yesterday was a good run. My wife and I had the opportunity to go together so we were pushing one another and had a 51 minute 6 Mile time. I think I was feeling that one today. The legs were very heavy and I labored to get through the first 2. I don’t want to say it got easier, but at least I got through it. Looking forward to the day of rest tomorrow before 12 on Saturday.

The real blessing here is that I am (knock on wood) relatively pain free. Hip and achilles issues appear to be in check for the time being. The new asics and inserts seem to be doing the job. Stomach cramps have been my biggest enemy recently. I’m guessing that is breathing related. 

On the journey….