
For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you… (2 Timothy 1:6)

For nearly a year and a half I have been on a journey of sorts. It has been a time of discernment, discovery, decisions and consequences. I am happy to come through that time and begin to see, with clarity, so many great things beginning to happen. The excitement of what God has in store makes the storms and times of uncertainty worth the wait. One of the key points of this time of discovery has been re-visiting something I posted in October of 2006 called “The Power of Three“.

You can read the post at the link above, but the core principle is that there are specific people that God brings into our journey through life that we must and I mean MUST, stay connected with. They are people of great faith. They speak into our lives, encourage us to fight the fight and to “fan into flame” our gifts. Trust me when I say that when we allow other distractions to place gaps in that relationship, the flame will begin to flicker and ultimately can die. We need truth tellers. We need encouragers that will speak over us, into us and remind us. It has taken me nearly a year and a half, but I am so encouraged to again connect with one of those people.

In the very same way, we must return the favor. We need to encourage those that encourage us while beginning to speak into the life of someone else. Imagine the impact if we would all find the one that coaches us to our strength while we do the same for another. We would advance the kingdom and be a community of people committed to seeing each one finish the race. I encourage each one that reads this to take a moment today and think of “the one” that speaks into your life. Let them know. That encouragement will energize them as well.

Also consider this….who are you encouraging on the journey? What have you done today to fan their flame and encourage them? Maybe now is the time to do so.