Interesting week this week with the training. Only 2 weeks to go before the Half Marathon on August 30th. In reality, I only have one more long run next Saturday before the 13.1 of the half marathon itself. I only ran three times this week as I considered the 2 hours of pickup basketball a substitute for the 4 miles I was supposed to do on Thursday. That 2 hours was my enemy today. Big time.

Monday was extremely sluggish. I would chalk that up to still recovering from the 12.5 I did last Saturday. The legs were very heavy and just didn’t want to get out and run on Monday. I pushed through it, but it was no joy. Wednesday was much better. I did the 5 that the plan called for and looked ahead to the basketball Thursday night. While the basketball was great fun, it is clear that the activity uses entirely different muscles than I am used to. I felt it Friday but even more so for the 9 miles today. It was both a mental and physical battle the entire way today. Heat was also a factor again.

So, we’re “rounded third and headed home” in this training program. My hope today is that it has been enough. I’ve got one last week of mileage running and then an easy week leading up to the half. I’ll report back next week on how it is going. Can’t believe it is almost here already. The next big decision is if I will push for the Full Marathon or Half Marathon in October (Columbus). If I had to decide today, it would be the half.

On the journey…..