For those that have been following along, I have been looking/deciding on a t-shirt to wear for the Half Marathon on Sunday. As I said in a previous post, I think it’s important to let people know why you’re running. It is also a great opportunity to spread a message to those around you for roughly 2 hours. Thanks to the UPS driver and Max Lucado, I now have the shirt which will spread that message. It’s all about livingĀ FEARLESS!

Heather and I have both been reading advanced copies of Max Lucado’s incredible new book FEARLESS. I am honored to be a part of Max’s “street team” and spread the timely message of this book. I had received one copy a few weeks ago which Heather and I have been sharing to read through it. Yesterday, the doorbell rang and the UPS man delivered a signed copy from Max and the t-shirt I will display on Sunday. It will be a great way to spread the word about the book.

Far greater for me personally will be the continued message of “What are you afraid of”? Each time I glance down or wipe away the sweat, I will be reminded that with God, all things are possible. I will be reminded that fear doesn’t come from the Father. I will be reminded that conquering our fears means placing them in the one that holds today, tomorrow and eternity and trusting his love and wisdom.

Special thank you to Max Lucado and Ashley Deets for getting this to me in advance of the race. Next stop…the finish line!