Here it is..the training is over and all that awaits now is the race itself. I am really excited about this one for some reason. Maybe after running one already, I have a small idea what I am in for. Overall, I enter this one on Sunday in a better place mentally and physically than the half marathon we did in May. I am most excited that Heather and 2 other friends are running the race Sunday too. Next time I post, it will be a recap of the race. Pray for us Sunday as we push off around 7:30 am. Thanks for sharing the journey the past 9 weeks!

PS, I should probably wait until AFTER the race on Sunday to announce that I have decided to run the FULL Columbus Marathon on October 18, 2009. The difference for this one is I am actually going to train for it (vs. Cleveland where I just kind of “winged it”). Who’s with me?

On the journey……