If there is one film that I want to see more than any other this fall, it is this one. I am drawn into this trailer and have watched it several times. If the film is anything like the few short moments of this clip, I can only imagine the impact. I read a tweet review from someone that got a screening over the weekend and said it was incredibly powerful. I cannot think of a more timely and appropriate message. From the films website:

If you were to meet ten average Americans on the street, nine of them would say they believe in God. So why is the Gospel of Love dividing America?

Dan Merchant put on his bumper-sticker-clad jumpsuit and decided to find out why the Gospel of Love is dividing America. After talking with scores of men and women on streets all across the nation, and also interviewing many well-known active participants in today’s “Culture Wars,” Dan realized that the public discussion of faith doesn’t have to be contentious.

Lord, Save Us From Your Followers is a fast-paced, highly engaging documentary that explores the collision of faith and culture in America. After seeing Lord, Save Us From Your Followers, you’ll never talk about faith the same way again!
