
I had some time to kill last night (which is never a good thing) so I started surfing around at possible races as the weather starts to turn colder. I am often asked “what’s next up for me”. To be honest I really didn’t set out to log a bunch of races, but they just seem to keep popping up. One blessing for most of them has been sharing the experience with my wife and friends along the way. With that in mind, I set out last night to see what looked like fun and would physically be possible. I’ve literally PENCILED these in at this point in case something doesn’t work out. However with deadlines and discounts, we might need to make a decision soon on most of them. So here goes:

Corporate Challenge – September 26th – Indianapolis, IN: In an organization as large as the one I work for, we couldn’t find anyone to sign up for the running events portion of this Corporate Challenge. I’m the lucky guy that raised my hand so I’m still not sure what Saturday holds. I am for sure running in a 5 miler first thing in the morning. After that it could be either a 5K, a 1 Mile Sprint, or a 1 Mile Team Relay. Last I heard it was the 1 Mile sprint. Either way it’s going to be fun (although they are calling for rain).

Columbus 1/2 Marathon – October 18th, Columbus, Ohio: Yep, you read that right. I dropped a “half” in front of that Marathon. After saying I would do the full 26.2 and beginning the training, I decided it just isn’t worth it. The training is long. The strain on the body is tough and I just didn’t have the heart. 1/2 Marathons are wicked fun. Might as well enjoy the journey.

Turkey Trot (4 Miler) – Thanksgiving Day – Columbus, Ohio: There’s something special about this one. This was my first race ever just one year ago. Looking forward to doing it all over again with several friends. If you’re in Columbus for Turkey Day how about joining us? By the way, check out the 2 ladies pictured on their site at the front of the pack. One of them is my lovely bride 🙂

Thunder Road 1/2 Marathon – December 12th – Charlotte, North Carolina: It has been nearly 4 months since I was last in “Gods Country” so it’s high time I get back there!  A half marathon through the streets of Charlotte could be just the trick. We’ve got several friends down there that will either race with us or let us crash at their house the night before so this one is a pretty solid lock to happen. Can’t wait!!

PF Changs 1/2 Marathon – January 17th – Phoenix, Arizona: Only one month after the Charlotte half, we’re looking at visiting some great friends in the Valley of the Sun for another one! From a cost perspective, this one presents the most challenge, but I thanks to some rewards points on Southwest, I think it will happen. Our great friends Troy and Catherine are planning on running it if we do. This would be Catherine’s first 1/2 marathon so that is a huge motivator for us to head west.

Country Music 1/2 Marathon – April 24th – Nashville, TN: This one isn’t until spring but we’re already looking ahead. Thanks to the recommendation of my new friends at Thomas Nelson, we are targeting this one to welcome spring. I’ve heard the course is BRUTAL, but running it with new friends and possibly some family would be worth every mile.

So there you have it. Who knows what 5K’s or other races might pop up along the way. But until then I think our course is set and we will keep it rolling. If you’re in another city and know of a race in your town or you’re running your first 5K, drop me a line…we might just add it to the schedule.

On the journey…..