I got some questions so I figured I would update the blog too. I took part with a few others in the Indianapolis Corporate Challenge on Saturday. The weather was damp, but nice and cool. I ran in a 5 mile race to start the day so the cooler temps were welcomed for sure. Two guys from our biggest competitor hopped in line right in front of me at the start so I did my best to keep up with them…for about 1 mile. After recording a 6:42 mile to start a 5 mile race, I knew I was in big, BIG trouble (I run an 8 minute pace at best). It was pretty much all downhill from there (my performance..not the course). I am happy to say I battled my way to a 40:17 minute finish with an average pace of 8:03. Our competition finished well ahead of me but I gave it all I had.

Since we were short on participants, one of our engineers and I ran in the 5K event Saturday as well. We took that one slow and steady since we were going for points only. We both finished in 27 minutes with an average pace of 8:55. We got crushed by our competition, but those that participated had a good time representing our company.

In other news, we booked our flights for Phoenix so the 1/2 marathon with our good friends the Plants is on for January 17th! We’re really looking forward to that. We’re “this close” to confirming Charlotte on December 12th as well. Unless something changes, we’re also planning on Nashville in the spring. Hey, if Toby Mac can do it….so can I!

On the journey…..
