
Thanks to the ultimate hook up from a great friend, “The Boy” and I were in the arena 2 hours before tip off of the Cavaliers and Celtics game at Ohio State University. Not only did we have access to the players as they warmed up, “The Boy” got to be one of the ball boys before the game. He was so excited on the way to the arena. Talk about a “bucket list”! He got to rebound during pre-game warm-ups for 2 of the greatest players that will ever play in the NBA. He also got to rebound and pass to 2 former Tar Heels that now play for the Cavs (He said Danny Green called him “son”). Personally, I got to shake hands with Ray Allen of the Celtics and actually talk some college hoops with him. Kevin Garnett, Mo Williams, Delonte West, JJ Hickson and Anderson Varejo also spent some time in the weight room prior to the game. My camera stayed in my pocket though as they were not there for a “Photo Opportunity.”

There is no way to express the gratitude of a lifelong Cavaliers fan to my friend “D-Rich”. Even though the Cavs got crushed, it is a night that “The Boy” and I will not soon forget. If you look closely in the last photo (Lebron shooting a free throw), you will see “The Boy’s” Lebron jersey at the base of the basket on the side. He had a PRIME seat for the game! You can see all of the photos (HERE). Great memories!