
Well we did it! A little over a week ago I found out that Nike was sponsoring a world wide running event and we could be a part of it locally here in Columbus, Ohio. The scene was THE Ohio State University and the cost was only $10. I jumped at the chance to be a part of something like this and luckily, so did my wife and our good friends the Richardson’s. Even though it was literally raining sideways when the gun went off, the skies cleared up and we were on our way. As usual, the girls jumped out to an early lead but D-Rich and I were right behind them. That’s when the wheels came off…..

In all my days running I have NEVER had a problem with my shoes coming untied. I don’t usually double knot them because I have never had to. It would seem with all the rain that is an issue. I was not the only guy pulling off to the side to tie my shoes. First the right one came undone. About a mile later, the left one came undone. Not wanting to lose too much ground on the rest of my group, I didn’t double knot them when I re-tied them either. Each time I had to pull off, I then had to go on a dead sprint to catch up. When I had to pull off FOR THE FORTH TIME to tie my stikin’ shoes, I double knotted and watched as the rest of the group pulled away.

The rest of the run was pretty challenging. I had my wife and the Richardson’s in sight for most of the race, but steadied to a comfortable pace and just decided to enjoy the run. The course was more challenging than I thought it would be, but in the end, we all finished within a minute or so of one another. It was fun running around the campus and the dark night made for added intrigue. Chalk up another memory with friends and another t-shirt for the efforts. Can’t complain about that!

Full story at Nike’s site (HERE)

And DOUBLE TIE YOUR SHOES NEXT TIME!!! (bitter…party of one…)
