You all know me well enough by now to know that all it takes is a song or a lyric to capture me. Although it would seem odd to many, a few simple words from the speakers can literally change my entire day. Today would be one of those days. While most often the words and music bring joy and great memories, there is an occasional bump in the road. That “bump” came this afternoon out of nowhere and took me by surprise. The song was “Homesick” by MercyMe and memory was of a friend that went “home” in December. For some reason I can’t shake this so it leads me to believe that I needed to get something here for others that might share that feeling.

The holidays can often bring the joy of family, friends and togetherness. For most people, the holidays can also bring a reminder of a void that remains. As long as we’re on this earth, we will never quite understand why we must say “goodbye”. I once heard it said that it is because we were never meant to do so. It wasn’t God’s plan. All that changed in the garden and we’re still trying to figure it all out. Where we find our peace and the anchor is in knowing that one day, there will be a reunion. There will be a homecoming and a chance to grab those we love and miss “around the neck”. As much as I love things here on earth, I would be lying if I said that it’s a day I sometimes can’t wait to see.

The intention here isn’t to open up wounds or bring us down. Yet I think we are instructed to rejoice and mourn together. In the early part of this post, I have been mourning. The video and song below gives me reason to rejoice. It is a reminder that if we could see those we love and where they are now…we wouldn’t cry.

One day we will… day we will….
