barn raising

“You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent” -Psalm 30:11-12

Yesterday morning I witnessed what it means to be “clothed in joy”. Our church held what was called “Tailgate Sunday” and it was great fun. Everyone came to church wearing the jerseys of their favorite team (wonder what color I wore) and stayed around after the service for a potluck that would make any tailgate at OSU look small. Good eats. Great fellowship. The jerseys and colors are not what I am referring to when I speak of being clothed in joy though.

Hours before the festivities took place and the worship songs were played, there was a host of duties which needed to be accomplished. “The Boy” and I got our gear on and headed out early to the church. We were the first to arrive and began to move chairs and set up tables. As the morning progressed, I noted something that stuck with me all day.

People came in waves.

They came with smiles and joy.

They came to serve.

One by one, little by little, the building became occupied with people coming to serve and set up for what was going to be another great day. There was laughter, conversation, music and working side by side to accomplish a goal. At one point I thought to myself that, while the task was not as large as an old fashion “barn raising”, I can see how valuable community is. When people are connected and serving in their God given”sweet spot”, tasks are accomplished and they find great joy in making it all come together. They didn’t have to tell me, I could see it on their face. They set up chairs, strategically placed decorations, set up the sound, video, coffee, donuts, note cards, lit the grills, and prepared the children’s area. One by one, task by task and by the time the clock turned 10am, we were ready to worship.

Clothed in joy….