
As you can see from the clip above, we wrapped up the series from Acts 3 – 7 yesterday by taking a look at witnessing. Specifically, we looked at Phillip and the Ethiopian in Acts 8:26-36.

Reasons Most Christians Don’t Witness:

  1. Not able to do evangelism as well as professionals
  2. Too timid
  3. Fear of how people will respond

Elements of Effective Evangelism

  1. Obedient messenger (vs. 26)
  2. Hungry heart (vs. 27-31)
  3. God’s Word (vs. 34)
  4. Gospel and Jesus (vs. 34-35)
  5. Public profession (vs. 36-38)

Phillip’s Principles For Effective Witnessing:

  1. Obey the spirits leading
  2. Look for hungry hearts
  3. Approach people with tact
  4. Study the scriptures
  5. Share the gospel


Interesting service yesterday. I often tell my wife that I am one of the worst travelers in the world. I don’t like to be talked to when I am on a plane. I don’t like to talk to others. As soon as we hit that 10,000 feet and hear the “ding”, the use of portable electronic devices is something I can’t wait for. The iPod goes on and I get lost in a book. It’s probably rather obvious that I have no desire to talk on the flight. So when I hear stories of so many that have had deep and meaningful spiritual conversations on a flight, I am not one of them. I wish I was better about that, but I am always afraid to be “that guy”.

What is interesting is that my wife and I are never afraid to follow the spirits leading. If you were around for our Charlotte adventure you probably remember that. We’re not afraid to go where the cloud moves. So how can I be so strong (like Phillip) to follow God’s prompting in one area, but not in another? One thing I have learned is to not so much pressure on myself. Jesus saves…not Aaron. That doesn’t remove the call to spread the gospel, but it sure reminds me of my role. We are called to plant seeds. We should witness in the way we live our lives, care for the less fortunate and be aware of any opportunity to live out the gospel.

I have much to learn in the “Go” calling of the great commission.