While I was off enjoying my Blog Fast, I received an email that was a complete honor. Somehow in this internet world of 0’s and 1’s, an author named Chris Tomlinson found my blog. After looking it over, he asked me if I would like to take a preview look at his new book entitled “Crave“. I was so honored by his invitation that I gladly accepted and received two copies of the book within a few days. I thought it would be good for my wife and I to both read the book so I gave her one copy and began to read the other myself. That evening, we both sat down in the living room and began to read our new books. It was like a scene straight out of the movie “Up”.

What transpired over the next week or so was a discussion and review of several of the topics which Chris outlines in his book. We both thoroughly enjoyed “Crave” and the discussion it prompted between us. As I read the book, I felt like I was sitting down for coffee (or a Diet Coke) with Chris Tomlinson one chapter at a time. Page after page, Chris opens his heart and discusses his desire to, as the title states, “want so much more of God”. Crave will challenge you to want to do the same.

Of particular interest to me was a chapter called “Extra”. In these pages, Chris presents the perspective that many of us consider God to be writing “our story” each day. The shift in thinking is that we are actually all “extras” in Gods Story. You can imagine how our thoughts of others would change if we viewed every person as another “extra” in “His story” and not a cast member in ours. I was fascinated by this thought and actually found it relevant in several conversations in the days that followed.

My wife and I have both had the opportunity to share our appreciation with Chris for sending us the books. His responses were as genuine and authentic as his book presents him to be. He is a man that I have a deep respect for. Not many would share their passion for more of God with such transparency and vulnerability. Imagine if we all would. Maybe that is something I crave…

I give “Crave” a 5 out of 5. If you are looking for a new book and a longing for a deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father, I highly recommend you pick up a copy too. You can find out more about Chris and the book at his blog.

*I would like to thank Chris Tomlinson for his free gift of “Crave” and allowing me to review it for this blog.