You can blame it on the way I’m wired. I love music. Those that know me (or follow me on twitter) have probably seen that my music tastes are all over the map. I have said it before and I will say it again, my iPod is a scary place. You’ll find everything from Wayne Newton to Marlyn Manson. Like I said, it’s a scary place.

In my defense, I will say that I find lyrics to be one of the greatest things in this life. I like to pick songs apart and lyrically dissect them for meaning and application. Many of the songs in my collection can have a story that goes with them. Some great stories, some I’d just as soon forget. My iPod is like a soundtrack for my life. As crazy as that sounds.

So when I was running today I heard the song “Come Back to Me” by David Cook. I get very reflective when I run (which is why my iPod is essential) so this song got me to thinking. I began to imagine the lyrics almost like a letter from God. While I am sure this breaks several theological rules and regulations, stick with me for a bit. The entire song began to remind me of the patience, the grace and the pursuit that our Heavenly Father has as we “find ourselves”. I began to consider His patience as we seem to try everything until we realize nothing will fill that void.

Check out this lyric:

I can’t get close if you’re not there
I can’t get inside if there’s no soul to bear
I can’t fix you. I can’t save you
Its something you have to do

So i’ll let you go
I’ll set you free
And when you see what you need to see
When you find you come back to me
Come back to me

Again, theologically there are probably some holes, but if you asked David Cook (or whomever wrote this song) I’m sure it wasn’t the intended message or audience. However there was something that struck me in that bridge. The thought that God cannot draw near if we are “not there“. The image that the Holy Spirit can’t get inside if there’s “no soul to bear“. Even the message that he can’t save us, it’s something we have to do. While Jesus died to save all of us on the cross, that “something you have to do” is accept that gift. So he “let’s us go and set’s us free“. Our journey to find ourselves often ends up at the foot of the cross where we come back to our first love.

I share it because it was a great reminder to me. Maybe it was a great reminder to you today as well.

Lyrically speaking….