Dad Blogs Somewhere in the course of the past few weeks, I was made aware of a site called “”. What transpired very quickly over the course of a few days is my being added as a columnist to this great site. It is with great honor and humility that I accept this new opportunity. While it won’t have an impact on this site directly, I plan on using some of the posts that I make here to share on that site as well. As an example, my post regarding Tiger Woods has been featured on the site (which totally blows my mind).

So what is Dad Blogs? This description comes directly from their About Us page:

In addition to promoting family, Dad Blogs also addresses the often incorrect stereotypes associated with fatherhood, countering them with an open dialogue among the community, often in a humorous manner. This outlet gives dads an opportunity to unite and share common interests and experiences, breaking stereotypes and reshaping this emerging demographic.

I am honored to be a part of a community which only looks to grow and gain momentum. I’d like to thank for their kind consideration and allowing me to share content with the community for Dads (and Moms).

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” -Proverbs 27:17