The guys over at do a very cool thing every Friday to coordinate posts from some of the many Dads that blog out there. This is my first entry on a Fatherhood Friday but hopefully something I will be able to do each week. I’m up to my ears in conference calls today so this post will be short and sweet…..literally.

Basically it was a conversation that took place with our youngest child a few weeks ago. Those that know our youngest daughter know that she is a bit of  a card. She keeps us in stitches and is the one at the dinner table that provides the evening entertainment. She is also 4 years old…

So a few weeks ago, I picked her up from school (which is one of my favorite Daddy moments and one I don’t get to do often enough). As we were leaving the school, the following exchange took place.

Her: “Dad, I am now part of the Zip-Zip Club”

Me: “That is great! What is the Zip-Zip Club?”

Her: “It’s for all of the kids that can zip up their own coat”

Me: “Hey, I can zip up my own coat. Can I be a part of the Zip-Zip Club?”

Her: “Um Dad…It’s a small club”

Maybe you had to be there, but her response was priceless. I guess it takes more than just being able to zip up your coat to hang in the Zip-Zip Club. I’m also sure it won’t be the last time I won’t be invited to hang with one of my kids in their exclusive clubs. So it begins….