It’s nearly 1am here in Houston, Texas and it has been a very emotional day. As most of you know, I left Columbus early this morning after learning that my Mom had been given very little time to live do to complications from a fall in my parents apartment on Monday. I was blessed to be able to find a flight early Wednesday morning and arrive in Houston by 1:00pm to be with my family. My Mom was resting peacefully when I arrived and I was able to spend a few precious moments whispering in her ear. As of this moment, she is still resting and they are doing their best to keep her comfortable. We have been told that she will eventually just breathe one final breath.  While we will no doubt mourn and grieve for a season, I cannot tell you the peace that we have and the promise we hold onto. We rejoice in knowing she will soon be with her King.

The point of this post was to first update you all, but secondly to just say “Thank You”. I cannot tell you how overwhelmed I have been by the outpouring of prayers, emails, twitter messages, texts and phone calls. Saying “thank you” doesn’t seem to cover the gratitude that my family and I have for the support each of you have shown. One of my Moms greatest spiritual gifts was the ability to draw people together. I find it fitting that so many people have expressed their thoughts and prayers. While it seems so empty, I just want to say thank you. I pray that my family and I will do the same if there ever was a time of need in your life as well.

Know that each contact today was received and appreciated. I am clinging to the promises of the peace which we hold onto. I am encouraged by your support and forever grateful for your thoughtfulness. I will continue to update twitter tomorrow as time will allow. We know that God is in control and on His throne.