It is amazing how quickly life can change. In just three short days, our household has been turned completely upside down by a furry little 3 month old named “Wubzzy”. Here are just a few of the changes to come our way:

  • All bedroom doors must now be closed due to socks, slippers, pillows and towels being the object of Wubzzy’s oral fixation.
  • The phrases “Wubzzy No!”, “No Wubzzy”, “No Bite”, “Down”, “Kennel Up”, “Good Boy” and “Potty” can be heard at any time.
  • I am now a morning person out of necessity and not choice.
  • Each of the members of our family appear to have gone 10 rounds with Edwards Scissorhands from sharp teeth and claws
  • There seems to be a rather interesting pile of shopping bags tied in a knot accumulating in our trash can.

All kidding aside, we are head over heels in love with the “Wubster”. He has fit perfectly into our crazy lives and is bringing all of us great joy. He has responded very well to training and is taking to his cage training perfectly. While the nipping is a little tough on the hands and scary for the kids, it’s all a part of having a puppy. I also anticipate plenty of material for this blog. As I type this he is sitting at my feet, barking….

Time to go. Wubzzy calls….