I mentioned it in a previous post, but my wife and I are both running in the Country Music Half Marathon in Nashville, Tennessee on April 24th. I am looking forward to this half marathon on so many levels. Short of Charlotte (God’s Country), I don’t know that I’ve ever been more excited about a half. This one is not about the time or the distance. This one is about friendships. From friends in Columbus that are running to Thomas Nelson friends we are connecting with for the first time when we get there. I believe some very special things await us in Nashville, Tennessee.

I wanted to highlight our friends Matt and Rachel Wojnarowski and their story heading into Nashville. Would you consider supporting them? We are honored to call them friend and share in this special day. Details of ways to support Matt and Rachel are below:

Matt and I are excited to “Celebrate 13 Years in 13 Miles” for our sweet daughter, Taylor, who has MPS. As I explained in previous posts, Taylor’s life is definitely to be celebrated, as her diagnosis of MPS has a typical lifespan of 10-15 years. April 24, 2010 is the date for the Country Music Half Marathon in Nashville, TN; it will soon be upon us! God’s blessings have been beyond number and we have chosen this race to celebrate the victories He has given and His unmerited grace and mercy displayed so richly in our lives.

So how can you help?

  • Commit to praying for Taylor, even after the race.
  • Make a donation to the MPS Society at http://www.mpssociety.org. In the comment line, mark “Celebrating 13 Years in 13 Miles.”
  • Purchase a t-shirt for $20 to wear on April 24, 2010, no matter where you are in the world. This shirt will be a source of raising awareness of MPS disorders and sharing the joy of having Taylor as part of our lives. The “Someone I Love” logo will be on the front of the shirt and the “Celebrating” logo will be on the back. All money beyond shirt costs will be donated to the National MPS Society. To purchase the shirt, email mwojnaro@columbus.rr.com with your shirt size and payment information. You will receive a response within 48 hours with confirmation and delivery information.  There is a $3 shipping cost if you request mailing.

I am hoping that many of our dear family and friends will support us in this endeavor! Looking forward to hearing from you.