I received an email yesterday from a contact in Nashville named Matthew Faulkenbury. He wanted to let me know about an awesome opportunity to be a part of something special with singer/song writer Matthew West. Check this out:

For the past month or so he has rented a cabin here in Tennessee and has been reading thousands of stories and busily writing.  In the next few weeks he will be wrapping up at the cabin, though, and before he does we wanted to make sure we gave all of his fans a chance to submit their story.

That’s right, on the heels of his incredible CD “Something to Say“, Matthew West is offering each of us the opportunity to help him write his next album. If you’re not familiar with Matthew or his previous CD, he has a way of putting his journey into great songs and lyrics. I imagine this new project will be a part of all of our journeys as well. To submit your story, you can visit his site directly at THIS LINK. I can’t wait to hear the results!

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