It has been a few months since I last posted “Sermon Notes”. Truthfully, an entire teaching series on the Beatitudes went by without me getting any of them up here to the blog. I can’t say that I will get them up here every week, but I thought I would get you all caught up on the most recent teaching series at Journey Church. Sadly we will miss next week and 2 other weeks of this series while we are (ironically enough) on Road Trips to Half Marathons. Here is a taste of the first 2 weeks of the series:

Week #1 – Road Trip Preparation

1. There is no such thing as a perfect family

2. Choices we make today will have generational consequences

3. Every family is fixable

Week #2 – Rules of the Road (Ephesians 4:24-32)

Rule #1 – Keep it honest (vs. 25)

Rule #2 – Keep it under control (vs. 26, 27)

Rule #3 – Keep it constructive (vs. 28)

Rule #4 – Keep it respectful and wholesome (vs. 29)

Rule #5 – Keep it cleared up (vs. 31-32)

Two Questions

1. Who are you fighting with in your family?

2. How would the relationship change if you applied these rules for the road?