
Two down…two to go!  As promised, we met at the house around 6:00am before pushing off to the Capital City Half Marathon in downtown Columbus, Ohio on Saturday morning. The hour was again very early, but the spirits were high as we anticipated another great half marathon. Due to the Women of Faith conference being held at Nationwide Arena, the directors for this years half-marathon had to re-route the course and believe me when I say it was TOTALLY different than in years past. I didn’t realize that Columbus had inclines.

The race was overall pretty good. We ran together, we ran apart and at the end we all finished within about 2 minutes of one another. While we all ran our own races, we somewhat ran together and that made it memorable. It started to rain (more of a mist) around mile 6 so the entire second half of the race was wet but it was a welcomed distraction. There is no doubt I felt the effects of last weekends half-marathon in Nashville, but it really wasn’t too bad. Just feel blessed to have finished another 13.1 miles and shared the journey with friends.

Special thanks to my wife who made the miles memorable by marking each one with what happened that year in our marriage (we’ve been married 13 years). There were times when we had to lean on the strength of one another to get through a mile here or there. That’s much like our marriage too. I look forward to sharing one more half-marathon with her next weekend in Indianapolis.

Next Up:

Indianapolis Mini-Marathon – May 8, 2010

Cleveland Half-Marathon – May 16, 2010