
Ask yourself these questions:

Q: If tragedy struck your city, would your church be the one they look to for help?

Q: If tragedy hit your neighborhood, would your family be where they turn?

These are the questions that struck me as I have watched the struggles in Nashville unfold. In the midst of the flooding and relief, one church has led the recovery. Imagine that…not the government, not FEMA, not the Salvation Army or Red Cross. A Church and it’s people. Helping the wounded, the broken, those that mourn. The Church and it’s people.

I hesitate to mention the name of the church because as much as I love their Pastor, even he would say that this isn’t about them or their glory. And that is my point exactly. Cross Point Church in Nashville Tennessee is leading the charge to help Nashville get back on her feet again. Make no mistake, this doesn’t happen when tragedy strikes, it happens in the days, weeks and months before. It happens when a member needs a hand. It happens in a home church when a family experiences tragedy. It happens in the parking lot with one brother praying for another. As I often like to say…you have to “do the work” to be prepared.

I’m not suggesting, hoping or even expecting tragedy to hit our cities. It doesn’t have to be a tragedy. It’s the family that is moving. It’s the widow that is suddenly alone. It’s the one that mourns. It’s a financial burden or a temporary need. Each and every time we, the church, offer a hand, a shoulder, lift a burden, a shovel, a place to stay and even that beat up pick-up truck, we are “doing the work”. We are creating a culture and environment, a structure and a system of support. Heaven forbid a tragedy strike, our neighbors, our friends, our community will know we will do it again. Even if we are the ones rising from the rubble too.

As you know, I’ve been running a few races lately (half-marathons to be exact). In order to run a race like that, you have to do the work. As much as I would like to roll out of bed and punch out 13.1 miles without the miles of training, it’s just not a reality. It’s those 4 and 5 mile days when the body is screaming “I QUIT”! It’s the long runs on Saturday when I would rather be in my pajamas with the kids. When you cross that finish line and get that metal, you know you did the work. Our service is no different.

I close with the same questions I opened with:

Q: If tragedy struck your city, would your church be the one that they look to for help?

Q: If tragedy hit your neighborhood, would you and your family be where they turn?

I’ll follow you into the homes of the broken

I’ll follow you into the world

I’ll meet the needs for the poor and the needy, God

I’ll follow you into the world

-“Follow You” by Leeland