Back in January I took 40 Days to fast from blogging. While I was away, one of the many things I realized is how much blogging has connected me with other people. I found that God has used a little bit of space on the internet to bring some incredible people into my life. People that have been able to see past bad grammar, poor spelling and crazy writing, to reach out and make a connection. Many of these connections have become close friends even though we’re miles apart.

While there are so many I need to thank, especially for housing us during our travels, I needed to highlight two Dad’s that have featured me and my blog recently. I do so, not for my glory, but to highlight their blogs as well. They are both great Dads with great blogs.

Chris Goforth of Real Authentic Men recently wrote a very flattering profile of my blog. As you can see from his post he spent a long time going through my archives and that alone deserves some credit. I am not sure I am worthy of all of the kind words, but it is great to get to know Chris and if I’m ever in Portland we will certainly have to get together.

Follow Chris’s blog here

Follow Chris on Twitter here

Dad of Divas approached me about featuring my blog and I in his Dad’s In The Limelight Series recently too. Again, I don’t know that I’m worthy to be featured in that as I have a long, long way to go but I am very appreciative of the honor. Dad of Divas is “a father of two girls who everyday works to regain control of my kingdom. Is this even possible in a divadom? This blog is dedicated to chronicling my experiences and challenges in being a father as well as providing some food for thought to other dads.

You can follow Dad of Divas Here

You can follow Dad of Divas on Twitter Here

Thanks again to both of my fellow bloggers for the highlight. I wish you both nothing but the best and look forward to meeting you one day.